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Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности. 2011.
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности. 2011.
ingot — [iŋ′gət] n. [ME < MFr lingot (with faulty separation of l , as if l , for le, the) < OFr, prob. < lingo, var. of lengo, tongue (< L lingua: see LANGUAGE): from the elongated form] 1. Obs. a mold for casting metal into a bar 2. a mass… … English World dictionary
Ingot — An ingot is a material, usually metal, that is cast into a shape suitable for further processing. [Chalmers, p 254] It requires a second procedure of shaping, by means of cold/hot working to produce the final product. They involve relatively… … Wikipedia
Ingot — In|got 〈[ ı̣ŋgɔt] m. 6〉 Metallbarren zum Einschmelzen od. Walzen [engl.] * * * In|got [ ɪŋgɔt ], der; s, s [engl. ingot, H. u.] (Metallurgie): 1. Form, in die Metall gegossen wird. 2. Barren (Gold, Silber); [Stahl]block. * * * In|got [ ɪŋgɔt],… … Universal-Lexikon
Ingot — A material that has been cast into a shape in order to be transported and processed easier than in an unprocessed form. An ingot is typically rectangular in shape, which allows it to be stacked. Ingots are most commonly associated with metals,… … Investment dictionary
Ingot — In|got [ iŋgɔt] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. ingot>: 1. Form, in die Metall gegossen wird. 2. Barren (Gold, Silber); [Stahl]block … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
ingot iron — noun iron of high purity • Hypernyms: ↑iron, ↑Fe, ↑atomic number 26 * * * noun : iron containing usually less than 0.05 percent carbon and similarly small proportions of manganese and other impurities * * * an iron of high purity made by a basic… … Useful english dictionary
ingot — /ing geuht/, n. 1. a mass of metal cast in a convenient form for shaping, remelting, or refining. v.t. 2. to make ingots of; shape into ingots. [1350 1400; ME: lit., (something) poured in, equiv. to in IN 1 + got(e) a stream, OE *gota, akin to… … Universalium
ingot — in•got [[t]ˈɪŋ gət[/t]] n. mel a mass of metal cast in a convenient form for shaping, remelting, or refining • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME: mold … From formal English to slang
Oxhide ingot — Oxhide ingots are metal slabs, usually of copper but sometimes of tin, produced and widely distributed during the Mediterranean Late Bronze Age (LBA). Their shape resembles the hide of an ox with a protruding handle in each of the ingot’s four… … Wikipedia
rare-earth element — /rair errth /, Chem. any of a group of closely related metallic elements, comprising the lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium, that are chemically similar by virtue of having the same number of valence electrons. Also called rare earth metal. [1955 … Universalium
Zamak — ingot Zamak (formerly trademarked as ZAMAK[1] and also known as Zamac) is a family of alloys with a base metal of zinc and alloying elements of aluminium, magnesium and copper. Zamak alloys are part of the zinc al … Wikipedia